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CRM & Marketing
The best-in-class direct marketing automation platform for auto repair designed to turn lost profitable customers into long term valuable clients. We help build powerful relationships for you with your clients, all without taking the human touch out of the equation.
Manage customers in real-time
Seamlessly integrate your business with the most effective direct marketing automation platform! Our whole business revolves around turning your one-time transactional customers into long lasting, loyal clients through continuous positive communication.
Built-in reporting for business intellige
Utilized to deploy campaigns across Email, SMS, and Direct Mail. Built in reporting and business intelligence specifically designed by shop owners for shop owners and tied to real time shop management system data. The MyShopManager platform allows each location to solicit, monitor, analyze and aggregate online reviews across multiple directories.
Build better customer loyalty
With state-of-the-art Digital Vehicle Inspection functionality, MyShopManager DVI technology simply changes the way shops communicate with their customers and creates full transparency into the repair process. Utilizing a streamlined mobile app that provides a more personalized and detailed way of communicating the results.

What Their Customers Are Saying

"Our sales have actually gone up through the pandemic and it's because of MyShopManager"
- Shane S.

Mountain Autopro

"I'm a huge skeptic when it comes to choosing programs but MyShopManager hands down, has the best customer service I have ever experienced."
- Erol Y.

Erol's Automotive

"They help us stay in touch with our customers and keep our customers engaged with us and overall they provide the best customer retention marketing I have seen yet
- Arif A.

Allstar Automotive

Marketing Automation and Customization
Across any media channel, users can create custom target lists of customers and prospects with easy-to-use sliders and filters built on custom data integrations with almost any point of sale.
Online marketing and presence
Included in every MyShopManager subscription is a website! The key to an online presence is a great eye-catching website, accurate and thorough SEO analytics, combined with easy-to-use plugins from the MyShopManager platform.
Start your NO COST Trial Today