“Most repair shops have a single contact person that is “famous”. My reputation here at Kennesaw Auto Center over the past 10 years has formed hundreds of para social relationships that make it hard for a new person to break the ice with a current customer, or a customer that has been told to ask only for “Ben”. The SmartCall product makes it possible for a new service adviser to start developing relationships on his first day, now that is incredible!”
‘Kennesaw Auto Center is a family owned and operated full service auto repair shop, serving the metro Atlanta area since 1989. With 12 service bays and 11 employees, Owner Brian Hough knew making shop management as easy as possible was the key to their continued success. “TRACS is a remarkable product” says Brian, “(TRACS) has “total” value for the smallest of operations, to the largest. We use virtually every feature and function to ‘test & measure’ our business processes” While Kennesaw Auto Center uses all NAPA TRACS Solutions, one in particular stands out. “We are currently using the SmartCall product, (it) is a very powerful yet simple tool,” says Brian.
Some of the ways Kennesaw Auto Center uses SmartCall includes:
- – Calling back 100% of the calls missed after hours
- – Analyzing call traffic times and manning the phones when appropriate
- – Finding open repair orders/outstanding tickets when on the phone with customers and solving those issues on the same phone call
- – Developing relationships with customers
- – See vehicle history before picking up the phone
The results of SmartCall has lead to an increase in customer satisfaction.